Frosty Sunday morning in Frederic

Its a frosty sunday morning in Frederic, supposed to hit 40 again today like it did yesterday. Believe it or not I heard a sled out there yesterday and just a few minutes ago I saw an arctic cat flying down the back road behind the Swamp II. There is no way I would put any sled out there on what little we have left. I haven’t heard any updates on what happened in the u.p. this weekend and I would imagine if anyone did go up there I may have a couple trailers pull thru here later this afternoon. The outlook for this coming week isn’t looking any better than it has been. Bob over at the Swamp told me he had 4 sleds in there on Friday night and I have heard of a few out and about towards lakes of the north too. Still we need WINTER bad…….so to end this on a brighter note the pic below was sent to me by my friend Bernie the other night to let me know they made it to Hawaii……I guess I should have gone with him……Thanks for checking in. Petemaui bernie

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