Flat and hard pretty much describes the trails. It turned out to be way busier around Frederic than I was expecting yesterday and riders seemed to be happy to accept what snow we do have. Not a flake of new snow yesterday or overnight and its a nice 26 degrees this morning. I heard sleds go by my house before 8 this morning so there are some die hards out there. Big John and the crew from Point Place Power Sports rode in here yesterday in a good size group and they were having a good time The Swamp had my favorite coneys on the menus this weekend. Also had a call this morning from a guy who had been riding down by houghton lake yesterday and ran into many side by sides on the trail and of course was almost hit by one coming around on his side of the trail. He just wanted me to alert people to be careful. Sleds are bad enough to come up against but the side bys are bigger. Thanks for checking in. Pete

The crew from Point Place Powersports in Toldeo stopped in

Coneys from the Swamp A+