Deadsville, thats what it is like around both Grayling and Frederic, There is no one around, drove thru motel parking lots for the heck of it for the first time this season, only 4 cars at Days Inn and about 20 at the Ramada in Grayling with no trailers either. Also kind of forgot about us not having Motel 72 out by Tinkers Junction this year as it burned down this summer. Doesnt matter anyways cause we need snow. I was here at Sledheads all day yesterday, saw one sled and that was a nieghborhood kid. All pics taken this friday morning about 9. It was a misty drizzle when I left home, maybe storm may hit us tommorow afternoon……If you come by this weekend stop by and see if I am awake, I had a nice comfy chair delivered yesterday to sit in by my firelplace, its a little big but people can just squeeze by it till I get off the handi cap list…..Oh & Happyt New Years eve too, Thanks for checking in. Pete

trail 7 looking north to gaylord at north end of frederic

friday morning, dreary and dead out

trail 7 crossing @ 612 in frederic looking north at trailehead