crunchy and icy

Its crunchy and icy outside at about 28 degrees this morning in downtown frederic, Even the strip thru Grayling this morning seems like a early sunday morning with no one around. I was just killing a few minutes so I thought I would drive thru the motel lots, barely and cars or trucks at the Days Inn and only a few cars and 3 trailers at the Ramada, Parking lots pretty bare and pics below (if I get them to load) are from Ramada parking lot. I actually did have 3 sleds ride into the shop here on wednesday which surprised me. From watching the weather this morning it looks like next chance for snow is next wednesday and thursday which if it happend could put us in riding shape for MLK weekend…..Time will tell……Remember go outside and do the snow chant, I have had several people ask about it and have heard from people that have heard it on the radio. MO MO NAH CHEE CHEE NAH, MO MO NAH CHEE CHEE NAH….. Thanks for checking in. Pete

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