Its another cold below zero morning today. Its now up to noon in Frederic, Sled traffic has been slow but more people stopping by in their cars. It was down to minus 15 this morning and yesterday never got above 19 degrees. Not a flake of new snow. Riders say they have been making the best of what little snow we have. Well it took a long time this season thankfully but it held off a long time but there have been 2 sledding deaths in the U.P. Remember it only takes a second to die out there so Please ride carefully. A bag was turned in yesterday that was found on the trail and the lady it belonged to showed up here about 20 minutes after the canadian guys dropped it off. She was happy to get her stuff back but she is still missing another bag so if anyone found it on the trail please let me know. Pics below are all from yesterday. Thanks for checking in. Pete

saturday riders

saturday riders

Frederic Inn Riders

Frederic Gas station

Swamp Riders