Cant I ever be happy? First its no snow, I want to ride, then we have snow and then to much snow, to much plowing, then more snow, great trails, then broke groomers. Now today its sunny and 43 degrees. Just no happy spot. From one extreme to the other. Snow to deep to ride in or easy to get stuck. Weather forcast for this next few days seems to warm so time will tell what the next step is going to be. On the bright side I had a great 60 mile ride to Lovells in yesterday and we found plenty of 2 plus feet fields of untouched snow. Got stuck a couple times and I fell off twice too. While its no fun getting unstuck it was a great ride and way to end up a sunday evening. Time will tell what this week brings us.Thanks for checking in and please ride safely. Pete

here I am after falling off in the deep snow.