Calm and 20 degrees

Its a nice calm and 20 degrees at about noon in downtown Frederic. Sleds are gathering over at the swamp for the fun run today. Its been pretty slow traffic this morning. Last night I drove up to Gaylord at about 6 and I was amazed at the amount of sleds and the white out conditions up that way. Riders that came in yesterday were all the same on the fact that the trails were way better than they expected. With the snow that we did have fall after the ice on Thursday things really turned around but it was to late for most to get up here to ride. The ones that were here to ride are glad they were. Trailer counts this morning at Ramada were 12 and only 1 at the Days Inn. This weekend at the Ramada instead of jeeps it was many Ford Raptors for whatever run they may be doing. Pics below are Clare & her family who were up riding from Nova, Ohio. She didn’t know what to think of me with my little gags I have in here. Also my new WTF decal and as I finished my prime rib at the Frederic Inn last night I discovered that my prime looked like the U.P. Take a look at it, Keewanaw, White Fish Point, St Ignace , its all there.  Weather forcast for this week is looking pretty favorable for us so that’s a plus. Thanks for checking in. Pete

Clare & Familiy, riders from Nova, Ohio

Clare & Familiy, riders from Nova, Ohio

New WTF decal

New WTF decal

Prime rib bone looks like the U.P.

Prime rib bone looks like the U.P.

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