Back to real life here in Frederic, got home from Grand Marais last night abou ten. Rode 240 miles total up there, parked about 3 miles north of newberry at the lot at the west end of cr 446 and rode to Seney and up to grand marais and around all the crazy 8s trails…..I was hoping to see a foot of snow on my sled yesterday morning at the Superior Hotel but really no new snow in town there but just to the west of town a nice fresh 6 to 10 inches of great snow. Trails were very good but did hit bottom every now and then. Really a whole lot of people riding in that area. I had plenty of food packed and most groups I talked to said if you were going to grand marais that nothing was open…..i had enough for two days and i wasnt going to starve to death. Stopped at the hot dog stand outside of town and they were closed but sign said open thurs thru sunday…..darn I missed. There were many trailers heading north as I headed south last night. Had to stop for an hour nap in trout lake……so back here to Frederic, only a couple inches of new fluff since i left here on tuesday with very little snow predicted for the next week. I feel like this coming weekend will be like last weekend where riders are going to do it anyways despite the marginal conditions. On the bright side my friend Roger from south dakota sent me a forcast of 2 storms coming in the next ten days. Don know if they will really hit us but hey it sounds like something to look forward to. So thats it for today. Thanks for checking in. Pete

hot dog stand closed but my bologna sandwich was good

lake superior in the background