As Usual

As usual here we are over 2 weeks into the riding season with no rideable snow. Certainly not looking good for this coming weekend again. Who knows if it will show up the following week for Christmas. Same old story unfortuneately …….This morning schools all around northern michigan were closed due to mostly slushy slippery roads, Grayling schools were the only ones open. I am writing this from home as I figure its way more comfy here. I actually did go into the shop on tuesday and even put the open sign and had 1 couple come in so that was exciting. I am not ready to open full time till we get rideable snow…..I am well stocked up on Spam so I wont starve to death. It looks like temps are still going to hover around 30s but it would be nice to have it a bit colder. The pics below I took out the front window of Sledheads this morning, they kind of look like the same pic I took last week from there. A little bit of white on the ground but not enough to ride. The couple that came in the other day said they had rented a place up on Otsego Lake for the winter so they are just waiting it out there and that reminded me that my place here at Lake Margrethe is available yet for the winter if you want to have a place that is here waiting for you when you want to come up. You can always watch TV if there is no snow. I wish I had a better story to tell you. Thanks for checking in. Pete

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