Gee I should be on the lake on a nice sunday but instead I have been here in Frederic most all day. Every summer I say I need to do less but it seems like I keep doing more. I have added to my storage business by buying the property and pole barn next to my storage units, that doubles the size of my property and I have had a dozer in there getting it all flattened out and looking good. There have been a lot of machines running thru town this week and below are pics from a couple that stopped in here and some at the swamp from yesterday. After the post last week about the spike burgers it didn’t take to long for the first five to chime in. The nice part about that was that there were several people that sent me nice notes just in general about my updates and blog, so that was a pleasant surprise. We went over to TC for the cherry festival and watched to blue angels and a Billy Idol concert to boot. Other than that Frederic marches on and we are another few days closer to winter. Thanks for checking in. Pete