Its a nice sunny Frederic sunday morning. Breezy with decent snow cover. I have to say that this is probably the best conditions we have had since the big storm at the beginning of december. Even though it is still icy out there underneath the snow is decent. I havent seen any groomers but the riders were out yesterday and out first thing this morning. The big problem was that the snow came overnight on Friday which made it to late for people to come up to ride so the lucky ones are the ones that are here and could enjoy the snow. Its about 33 out right now which makes a good riding temp. Who knows how long this will last. Will we have a decent weekend or riding for next week. Its a crap shoot. Hey at least we have a little snow. For years when I plow the snow here at the shop I push it towards the alley and the snow pile gets so big its tough for even sleds to get up and over the piles, well this year I have no problem still driving my truck thru the alley down to the gas station and I am pretty sure that is a first. This is kind of the winter that never was. I was here early plowing this morning and decided to go over to the swamp for their breakfast buffet. I have to say that was pretty good and also a thank you out to Aaron who bought my breakfast…… Pics below are riders from yesterday. Thanks for checking in. Pete

saturday riders

saturday riders

saturday riders