Monthly Archives: December 2022

As Usual

As usual here we are over 2 weeks into the riding season with no rideable snow. Certainly not looking good for this coming weekend again. Who knows if it will show up the following week for Christmas. Same old story … Continue reading

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Well here is another teaser

Well here is another teaser this snowy tuesday morning. We have 2 to 3 inches of new snow and we are heading to about 40 degrees again this afternoon. Things arent looking promising for the rest of the week. I … Continue reading

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Good Saturday Morning from downtown Frederic

Good saturday morning from downtown Frederic, well its blowing pretty hard out there this morning and there is an ever so slight bit of white out there. In order to ride we need a whole bunch of cold weather along … Continue reading

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Yee Hah !!! Its finally here……..

Yee Hah !!! Its finally here……..The official start of the 2022-23 snowmobile riding season. To bad as to many times in the past that we do not have any snow to speak of. The picture below I took with the … Continue reading

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