Monthly Archives: December 2022

Frederic Mud Bog

Frederic Mud Bog,,,,,,,I guess thats what we should start considering the conditions. Hard to believe still at how great it was even 2 days ago. Even the u.p. is going to pieces too, Ohio Cliff called in this morning and … Continue reading

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Total Meltdown

Total Meltdown since yesterday, its just unbelieveable how much snow we had and how fast it went, currently 50 degrees out on friday morning about 11 a.m.. most pics below from this morning except the 2 guys on the side … Continue reading

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Well we had a few days of good snow

Well we had a few days of good snow, forcast is scary warm for the next few days. Same old story every year it seems like. Good snow than its gone. There is still alot of snow in the woods … Continue reading

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Wednesday afternoon

Its a calm wednesday afternoon here in downtown Frederic, riders coming in saying they are getting beat up on the trails in all directions. I think Sled traffic is slower today than yesterday and the weather forcast is not looking … Continue reading

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Tuesday Afternoon 2;30

Its been a steady flow of sleds thru Frederic today and am finally getting a chance to do this, riders all around, reports of great and bad trails. Also heard of an accident west of town where a lady hit … Continue reading

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Snow is here but bring your own shovel

Snow is here but bring your own shovel, if you park anywhere make sure you have a shovel with you . I am doing my best keep the snow moved and out of the way. I got stuck 3 times … Continue reading

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WOW, what a christmas present….

Wow, What a christmas present. Snowing blowing and drifing. Lots of snow to plow. Cold and windy, havent seen any sleds but been pushing snow all morning. Now already 1:00 p.m. Drifts were up to the top of my doors … Continue reading

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Let the Winter Begin

Let the winter begin……..its been snowing and blowing all night and I spent most of the morning plowing up here in Frederic, Yes I lucked out and ended up flying back into Traverse City about 1 this morning. A few … Continue reading

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WOW First Day of Winter

Wow, its finally here the first day of winter…….so the big question is will we really get hit with the BIG ONE as predicted. Time will tell on that. You know sometimes or should I say most of the times … Continue reading

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Slowly coming

Its sunday nite about 8, just got back home from checking things out in Frederic, there is about 3 to 4 inches there. I only saw a couple sets of sled tracks. I still say its way to early. On … Continue reading

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