Its 20 degrees and a sunny morning in downtown Frederic, the snow from yesterday held out pretty darn good from yesterday and I imagine it will make it thru today. Past that who knows. There were a good amount of sleds out and about around Frederic yesterday, certainly way more than there has been. My thoughts for the next week of winter, (if thats what you call it) is that unless a surprise storm hits us that it will be toast around here. Things are still nice and white around this morning as I looked at trail crossings on the way here. I had a call from Eric in Pennsylvania who wants to come to the u.p. to ride next week, they have had a rough winter there too and he said western new york never opened their trails till Jan 20 and closed them down on Feb 15. He is anxious to come to michigan and try the u.p.out. So many regulars that normally come in for the winter that I havent seen this season. Where the heck is Ohio Brian. ? The Obama tour was a no show this season too. Hard of Hearing MIke and the snow bunny havent been around in years, Illinois Mike and sadly Ohio Mike the chosen one passed away this past fall. Bad Leg Barry likes hanging out in Florida but at least Jr. does still come north. Bruce and the Forever Young family havent made it in either. All these people part of the Sledheads family of riders just sitting on the sidelines wishing for a real winter. The list could go on and on. Yesterday Spud & Darren from Ottowa Ohio stopped in and loaded up on new Sledheads shirts so thanks for the business guys. Pics below are Spud & Darren from yesterday and the nice deep snow trench is from Dave Klemish who was lucky enough to be in Marquette during the 21 inch overnight snow fall. Thanks for checking in. Pete

Spud & Darren from Ottowa, Ohio stopped in on Friday

21 inches of Marquette snow fall, sure makes you jealous