1 Old Guy Drives to Frederic and he wonders what ever happened when you could drive from Grayling to Frederic and it would be a whole different world up here with so much snow it would be amaziing in a ten mile difference. Frederic would be buzzing with sleds everywhere. You couldnt hardly find a place to park your sled in the park before it was fenced and it would take forever to get gas, or get into the Frederic Inn or the Swamp to eat. Sledheads would have the bon fire going outside, kids making smores on the fire, Spam Fest going on in the back room of the shop and lots of customers inside. One old guy still makes the drive to Frederic most everyday but its alot different then the mid 90s. Like I have said several times this place was a much bettter idea when I was 40 instead of now at 66…… It rained all night long and is still raining now about ten a.m. on friday morning. Weather says we may get a little snow but its a mud bog most places. So I guess I will continue to follow the 3 old guys ride to Alaska and at least I can dream about that. Maybe Craig from Darkside Adventures could put a big ride together for next year. Thanks for checking in. 1 old guy says thanks for checking in. Pete

on the way to Alaska

on the way to Alaska