Lots of School Closings

Lots of school closings this morning north and west of Frederic. In Grayling we only had an inch or snow of new snow overnight but from the looks of the tv reports there was a lot more in other places. I made it back from deer camp yesterday to about 8 inches of snow on the ground in Frederic along with a nice big pile by the side of the building from the snow plow. As I was on my way back I had a phone call from tv 9 and 10 news and they wanted to talk to me about the upcoming season. So here is  a link to the story. I met with Eric at Frederic when I got back. Especially yesterday I had many calls from riders anxious to see what the conditions were. We are only about 12 days away from the start of the season. If we manage to keep all this snow it will do wonders in getting our base started. http://www.9and10news.com/story/27408929/snowmobilers-wait-for-trails-to-open-as-snow-piles-upphoto

Thanks for checking in. Pete

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