89 Days till the 2014-15 Riding Season

Only 89 short days and the big question is will there be snow for the first day of riding season….I am still happy with summer even though we are into September now. We spent the weekend camping in Empire and it was nice to have our whole family together plus we had friends come up from Kzoo to camp with us too. We got back home sunday afternoon and I spent most of yesterday up here in Frederic trying to get some things done. Two firsts for yesterday in Frederic, first an alarm went off on my phone saying that there was a tornado warning and then when the emergency siren went off it ran steady for a few minutes which I have never heard do that before. It rained hard and blew pretty hard as I watched outside for the big tornado. The winds blew very strong about a mile south of town and really took some trees down on May Lake Road where they were still cleaning them up this morning. I took a fe w pictures down there this morning. I even had a call from Mike down in Illinois who said he heard about it down there. Also yesterday a family stopped in to show me their 1 year old Beagle named Dixie. I called the girls at home on facetime and showed them the dog and told them I had a new beagle…..of course I was just teasing them. It sure is empty around here without my beagle to holler at. So on to today and it was Haleys first day of High School…..she is on a mission to top her sister and has her eyes and grades already set on being Valedictorian like Melissa was……It will take four years to see how her goal comes out…Thanks for checking in. Pete

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